UseViral Case Study

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UseViral Case Study
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UseViral website hero section, a social media marketing service

UseViral is a social media marketing service of targeted website traffic. Our cutting-edge traffic bot software generates unparalleled web traffic.

Here's the result of UseViral when using our services.

1/ Which keyword to create a perfectly suited Google Suggest?

We carefully selected the keyword: "buy instagram views" due to its utmost relevance for UseViral's operations. The monthly search volume for this keyword in the USA is also noteworthy:

more than 40.000 of monthly search volume in the United States for "buy instagram followers":

Semrush Volume Keyword
Buy Instagram followers results (Semrush)

Monthly search volume in the US is 40.500 potential customers search for the keyword "buy Instagram followers" every month in the USA.

2/ How did we craft the Google Suggest?

We employed strategic link building and meticulously fostered brand trust for UseViral. Since UseViral's target country is the United States, our focus was on establishing a robust local authority. Creating a Google Suggest is no easy task, but we accomplished it within a month.

The outcome after a month in the USA:

Buy instagram followers on google GIF
UseViral appearing on top of Google Suggest

When users search the keyword: "Buy instagram followers" on Google. It even appears with only "Buy Instagram".

3/ What impact did it have on UseViral's business?

In terms of SEO, UseViral witnessed remarkable improvements of 40% increase of organic traffic from May 1 to May 31, 2023.

Results of UseViral Organic Traffic:

Organic traffic rise for UseViral

What are you waiting for?

If you desire the same exceptional results as UseViral, get in touch with us.

We'll collaborate with you to devise the best strategy tailored to your business.

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